Monday, March 7, 2011

Storm of the century

Will the storm ever go away?
Or will i be stuck like this forever?
Will i be free from the winds?
Or will the rain ruin my days

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Can we ever run away from time?
is it possible?
I would love to meet a person,
who could freeze time
by just looking at it.
but the thing is,
i have.
Jesus Christ.
But, our lifes
Our own life's
are like a vapor in his eyes,
so while we think time could get any slower
God's time goes by so fast,
a day could feel like a million years
So, remember,
Treat your life well
Serve God.
You only get one life
and it's like a vapor

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


When you think of a small drop
A some piece of wondering flows through you
how long will it stay?
was it rain?
The picture of perfection
The questions you may have
even the smallest
May seem big.
God created
This wonderful drop
the Perfect drop