Saturday, February 26, 2011


Let your memories be seen,
Let each of them speak to you
Your childhood,
don't ever forget
those are the times were you were free
You didn't have to worry about broken hearts,
You didn't have to worry about driving
choosing between colleges
It was a free life
So remember those days
Remember that smile
And maybe,
You'll give someone else those same memories


Like a knife through your skin,
Like a prick teaching you a lesson
The scars they leave,
the memories.
If we never had the pain,
the sorrow,
the sadness,
how would we grow?
How would we be able to put our knowledge to good use?

Friday, February 25, 2011

yesterday, today, & tomorrow

Yesterday is gone
now it's time to move on
Cause when your stuck on the past
you can't see your future
And when your can't see the future
Your lost
You lost the ability to see the beauty
and enjoy the gifts
So let go of yesterday

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The Cuts burn
Deep down inside of me.
You stare and I watch
I fell to the floor
Your loving arms catched me

Many times I believed that I was nothing
No fairy tale
A prince charming couldn’t even save me
My pain was too powerful

My life fell apart
And You never left
My blood marked my mistakes

So now were here
With a tourch of flame

Never again, will I start to burn

♫ Musical Notes ♪

Most people look for music to calm them
to bring sense to them
to help them cop with something
But, In reality,
Does it really help them?
or just make them more depressed?

"Jar of hearts"

February is the "love" month
but how many heart breaks can you find in one month?
The darkness in the people,
the selfish reasons for "love."
As people make "jar of hearts"
I'll be standing in the back
waiting for things to turn around
I might wait years
I might wait an hour
But I won't make a living of this

Truth about love

In side every fairytale
 Comes a prince and a princess
The prince always comes to recuse the princess
and then in the end,
they get married.
Everyone wishes that their true love will come
But with that,
you can't search it.
Let them come to you
Let that special love be special.
God will reward you

Chain and Locket

When you look into a mirror,
What are you looking for?
A different look
A different person standing in front of you
I hold a mirror close to my heart
Like a Chain and locket
It's called the WORD of God!
You see,
when you start to read this wonderful book,
You will start to notice what you do in your life
The bible is a mirror
It reflects your life
How you act
My Mirror is held close with tender and care
How bout yours?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Simple Mind

Levels of Earth brings joy and cheer
But,  with a simple mind
It can be all gone
I remember,
Oh that day,
still fresh in my mind
Still burns today
When I finally found her
A part of me died
When the time came,
I was gone.
But life brings stories to tell;
So with a brief second
I face Darkness
And a brief second,
I held life

Symbol's no use

Strength is something we all need
but where is it found?
after a storm?
Open your eyes,
find out where to go
Only one person i know
Has the power to keep me moving
No symbol,
No earthly song
could keep from finding this person
It's easy,
close your eyes,
and pray to our Father in Heaven

Speaks itself

Insides of beauty

As beauty lays where the heart can't reach
The affects are something that we can not read
The lines start to blur
and the fire starts strong
it burns us, deeply within
The trust that we formed
and the lies we went against
Still something stood out
Like a drop of black dirt
in white paint.
So beauty sets you on fire
then why,
why does it hurt?
As time moves on,
something starts to grow
hate and anger
Love and lust
But when the smoke finally clears
and all there is left is tears
tears and blackness
Everything is gone
everything is distroyed
Nothing is left of this beauty

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The time has come

The time has come where we pack away the winter
Add some color to our paintings
And get outside and feel the freedom
The time has come

Love vs Hate

When you think of two differences,
one being a girl,
an other being a boy.
You think of how perfect they go together
However, when you're in love,
you just know that person.
But what hides in the heart?
Love or hate?
But the bonds that are made,
Love starts to take over
it fills the heart
with the most simplest things
But what about hate?
Could it still linger?
 Attack a lover?
When everything is so perfect
Could it make it better?
Or in fact make it worse?

Hate it like a shadow
hides deeply into your soul
And at times,
it will come out to play
play with your heart,
 like a toy.
But other times it makes you different
Like a mud puddle on a white shirt
Stains you
never gets out.

So how does these emotions get out?
How to switch love and hate?
Well, the answer is up to you
You can always choose one or the other
but a heart can never hold both

Questions but no answers

In some words,
pictures just come up
Without any meaning to them
Without any care
So why do we care so much when something is broken?
Why do we try to go out of our way to fix it?
Was it something that kept us together?
Or something that made us fall apart?
So when the road gets broken....
who's to blame?
Who's false are who's?
To many questions,
most of them left unanswered
See the point?
See the side?
when your life gets broken,
who will you blame?
The sun on the horizon,
or yourself?


Every friend grabs each other for support
Like a mini army going into action
A family that builds you up
You take each other's love
and stand by each other
Friends come and go
But here, together
you'll last forever
Cause the strongest friend never fails you
Even when the road gets bumpy  

Friday, February 18, 2011


 Tell me, whats the hardest thing you've ever done?
Was it lie to a teacher?
Lie to a friend?
Hurt someone?
Whatever you did
You thought it would never happen
The word...Impossible comes to mind
But the hardest thing you've ever done,
just might look simple
So those tears you cried
and those nights you fought with yourself
They unfold
You go up to them,
and wish for a different story
Till all is gone,
the pain and hurt
the cries and sobs
So, how do you look on this now?
Still Impossible?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


this is a picture i took myself on October 8th, 2010. It's a beautiful picture and what makes me really happy is that God is so powerful he is able to change green leaves into a wonderful creation!  

Last days...

The memory I wear stains me like blood
The time we spent today, it flows out of me like a film strip
From the first time we kissed
till those last moments together
From our first date
till the last time i held your hand
From the first time we shared our secrets
till the last time I held you in my arms
Forever, burned within me

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Beauty doesn't come from the looks
But when you start to show
something in dept
something that no one else knows
you'll start to see
the ripple affect
Pieces of the water move away
and the beauty will show
Your heart and soul
your mind and all

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My favorite song

"I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord You catch me when I'm falling
And You told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours"
Casting Crowns, Who i am

Dreams Last forever

I don't wanna give up on some we have.
I know you know the feeling
The love,
The need to be next to each other.
So I'll take your hand.
And we can tour the world together.
Me and you.
'Cause babe,
With you,
Dreams last forever

My Future....

I took this picture last year, but i think the point still stays the same. Guitars make beautiful music when you know how to play them right. I know how to play the guitar. And at times I get mad at the guitar or the notes i'm reading when I forget what they mean and play the wrong note. But God doesn't want us to give up. He doesn't want us to stop reading the bible because we didn't know what a verse means or when we "Play the wrong note." 

God never ever seems to stop blessing me. He has given me a wonderful family (even though at times i get highly annoyed by them) And a wonderful Christian family and a good church family as well. And when i think about the beauty he created, (Genesis 1.12) I think of the wonders he has blessed me and I could never thank him enough besides giving myself to His works.
God, thank you! ♥

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3: 16

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I've realized were i went wrong and I went and fixed it. I'm sorry if i said something about you. I don't want any angry in me anymore. It bring in way to much wickedness in me, and I live by the Lord. And having that block my relationship with him, Its not fun. I'm sorry for being mad at you, i'm sorry for thinking you lied to me. I've awakened and realized what was really happening

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life moments

In some days my fury is burned.
Some harder then others. Some less and less
But as i take a closer look,
i start to notice
What was it that i missed? What was it that i need to replace?
was it important, or just a lie?
Whatever has happened, i'll let it go
Maybe tomorrow will show all the games