Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Future....

I took this picture last year, but i think the point still stays the same. Guitars make beautiful music when you know how to play them right. I know how to play the guitar. And at times I get mad at the guitar or the notes i'm reading when I forget what they mean and play the wrong note. But God doesn't want us to give up. He doesn't want us to stop reading the bible because we didn't know what a verse means or when we "Play the wrong note." 

God never ever seems to stop blessing me. He has given me a wonderful family (even though at times i get highly annoyed by them) And a wonderful Christian family and a good church family as well. And when i think about the beauty he created, (Genesis 1.12) I think of the wonders he has blessed me and I could never thank him enough besides giving myself to His works.
God, thank you! ♥

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